144、principle of lng peak shaving for urban natural gas peak shaving -k8凯发

 144、principle of lng peak shaving for urban natural gas peak shaving -k8凯发

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144、principle of lng peak shaving for urban natural gas peak shaving - doer equipment

classification:industry publishtime:2020-06-06 15:10:32

principle of urban natural gas peak shaving by lng peak shaving

lng peak shaving station plays a very important role in modern city. how to use lng peak shaving application to solve the demand of urban peak shaving, and what kind of principle to use, we need reasonable planning and design

1. the load characteristics of various natural gas users are analyzed, and the load curve of urban natural gas demand side is determined according to the demand of users

2. according to the balance of supply and demand, the supply curve of natural gas supply side is the load curve of demand side, and some of the load curves for peak shaving analysis are selected

3. the natural gas supply load shall be shared by the natural gas source and the corresponding peak shaving facilities

4. under the condition of making full use of natural gas supply, the insufficient part will be supplemented by gas storage and peak shaving facilities

5. for peak shaving facilities, under the condition of making full use of volumetric gas storage facilities, such as high-pressure pipeline and high-pressure spherical tank, the insufficient part is supplemented by lng mobile peak shaving gas source

6. for cities with olng terminal supply, the mobile production capacity of lng terminal should be fully utilized for peak shaving, and the shortage can be solved by setting lng peak shaving station

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